Take some vitamin Sea!
Your destination airport in most cases is Hurghada International, code HRG.
Below is the list of carriers that have flights to HRG and RMF (Marsa Alam International, located near Port Ghalib):
You can connect to HRG through any of the above European hubs. Also, there are two carriers that connect USA with HRG. Roundtrip fare depends on your departure airport and should be in $600-$1300 price range.
EgyptAir | From JFK, 1 stop in Cairo | Star Alliance |
Turkish Airlines | 1 stop – Istanbul | Star Alliance |
Thomas Cook Airlines | Birmingham, Manchester, and London Gatwick | |
EasyJet | London Gatwick | |
Edelweiss Air | Zurich, Geneva | Charter airline HRG & RMF |
TUI | Birmingham, Manchester and London Gatwick | First Choice HRG & RMF |
Adria Airways | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Star Alliance |
Air Baltic | Riga, Latvia | |
TUI Airlines | Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Germany | |
Austrian Airlines | Vienna | Star Alliance |
Belair | Switzerland | Charters |
Bulgaria Air | Sofia | |
Condor | Hamburg | |
Germania | Berlin, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Zurich | Charter airline HRG & RMF |
EuroWings | Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, Salzburg, Vienna | |
EasyJet | London – Gatwick and Stansted, Berlin – Tegel, Geneva |
Egyptian Airlines | Star Alliance HRG & RMF | |
EgyptAir Express | ||
Nile Air |
Turkish Airlines has service from many US major hubs like LAX.
If you’re booking your scuba trip with Cairo tour, then EgyptAir is your only option.
If Heaven Saphir departs from Port Ghalib, we will transfer you to the boat from HRG. This transfer is included in the package.
Our reservation team responds within 24 hours.
If you need faster service, please feel free to call or text us @ +1201-724-0531 directly or WhatsApp
Reservations and chief manager
Manager on location
Eric 阿綱教練
Asia representative