Please, note that Port Ghalib is 230 km (143 Ml) south of Hurghada and it takes 3-3:30 hours of transfer from HRG to Port Ghalib. So book your flight respectfully.
If you decide to arrive to HRG for our Southern itinerary, we strongly advise you to book your flight with arrival time to HRG no later than 3 pm. Later arrivals may be subject to additional transfer fees.
Our bus will leave Hurghada to Port Ghalib around 5 pm on arrival day, and Port Ghalib to Hurghada at 10 am on departure day. Please, book your return flight from HRG on or after 4 pm.
MRF is a 10-minute drive to Port Ghalib, we will set up your transfer at any time. If you arrive to HRG early in the morning, we will place you on a nice beach with a bar, where you can relax after the long flight, waiting for the rest of the group to arrive.